Novosti iz Arcama su 3 nova streaming proizvoda:
- ARCAM ST25 – idealni streaming izvor za bilo koji Hi-Fi sistem.
- ARCAM SA35 – sve u jednom streaming sistem, streamer i 120 W stereo pojačalo
- ARCAM SA45 – sve u jednom streaming sistem, streamer i 180 W stereo pojačalo
Uređaji su konstruirani na potpuno novoj platformi za digitalni zvuk i streaming, imaju novi dizajn linearnog toroidnog napajanja, novo korisničko sučelje i novu aplikaciju.
Izvrsna kvaliteta zvuka postignuta je promišljenim inženjeringom nove 6-slojne digitalne audio i streaming platforme koja uključuje uzemljenje kroz cijelu ploču kako bi se šum i smetnje držali udaljenim od osjetljivih audio komponenti. Ove komponente uključuju najnoviju Hyperstream iV DAC topologiju iz ESS-a, u balansiranoj konfiguraciji s naprednom jitter eliminacijom. Kvaliteta zvuka dodatno je poboljšana novim dizajnom napajanja koristeći linearni toroidni transformator sa manjim šumom. Swithching napajanje se koristi samo u stanju pripravnosti (standby) zbog bolje iskoristivosti i manje potrošnje.
Novi zaslon visoke razlučivosti od 6,5 inča može prikazati omote albuma i druge jasno čitljive metapodatke. Vezano za reprodukciju, podržan je inkluzivni skup značajki, podržava većinu pametnih telefona i tableta, kao i popularne usluge streaminga. Povezivanje s kućnom mrežom putem Wi-Fi-ja brzo je i jednostavno uz ARCAM Radia aplikaciju. Nakon povezivanja moguća je trenutna reprodukcija koristeći Apple Airplay, Google Cast, Spotify Connect, Tidal Connect i Roon,
Dizajn pojačala klase G 5. generacije pomno je izrađen tako da se može očekivati najbolju kvalitetu zvuka i dinamiku od onoga što je oduvijek bilo boljeg zvuka i učinkovitije klase pojačala. Nove komponente i materijali pomno su analizirani i pregledani kako bi se osigurale beskompromisne zvučne performanse
All new, ultra High-Resolution Streaming Platform to deliver on sound quality and user experience
- New Linear power supply design to deliver peak sound performance
- High-resolution display for clealy visible album artwork and metadata
- Perfect match for the ARCAM A25 integrated amplifier
- Supports Apple Airplay, Google Cast, Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect
- Setup with ARCAM Radia App for presets, Internet Radio and Podcasts
- Supports up to 32 bit / 384 kHz Hires audio
- Roon Ready (after launch)
Works with (apps): ARCAM Radia, Spotify (Connect), Tidal (Connect), Roon
Works with (services): Apple Airplay, Google Cast
ARCAM Radia supported services (Global): Internet Radio, Podcasts, UPnP
USB Media (using USB-A mass storage input)
Audio Section
Supported media: FLAC, WAV (LPCM), AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DSD (up to 256), MP3, MP4, OGG, WMA
Supported Bit depth: 16, 24, 32
Supported sample rates (kHz): Up to 384 kHz
Gapless Playback: Yes
Digital Audio Outputs 1x Coaxial (RCA), 1x Optical (Toslink)
Analogue Audio Outputs 1x Stereo (RCA) pair
Wireless Specification
Wi-Fi Network: IEEE 8002.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (2.4GHz/5GHz)
All new, ultra High-Resolution Streaming Platform to deliver on sound quality and user experience
- ARCAM Class G Amplification with ultra-low distortion power
- MM & MC Phono inputs
- HDMI eARC input
- Dual Subwoofer outputs and Dirac Live Room Correction
- High-resolution display for clealy visible album artwork and metadata
- Supports Apple Airplay, Google Cast, Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect
- Bluetooth with Snapdragon Sound and Auracast
- Setup with ARCAM Radia App for presets, Internet Radio and Podcasts
- Supports up to 32 bit / 384 kHz Hi-res audio
- Roon Ready (after launch)
Continuous power output (0.5% THD), per channel
2 channels driven, 20Hz . 20kHz, 8Ω: 120W
2 channels driven, 1kHz, 4Ω: 200W
Harmonic distortion, 80% power, 8Ω at 1kHz: 0.002%
Analogue Inputs
Number of inputs: 3 (RCA pairs)
Phono Inputs: MM and MC
Frequency response: 20Hz.20kHz ± 0.2dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 1V input): 106dB
Digital Inputs
Supported Streaming media: FLAC, WAV (LPCM), AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DSD (up to 256), MP3, MP4, OGG, WMA
Supported Streaming Bit depth: 16, 24, 32
Supported Streaming sample rates (kHz): Up to 384 kHz
Gapless Playback: Yes
Digital Audio Inputs: 1x HDMI eARC, 2x Coaxial (RCA), 2x Optical (Toslink)
Supported Digital input Bit depth: 16, 24
Supported Digital input sample rates (kHz): Up to 192 kHz
Frequency response (filter 1): 20Hz.20kHz ± 0.2dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 0dBFS): 110dB
Wireless Specifications
Bluetooth Profile 5.4; A2DP Sink/Source, AVRCP, BLE, Snapdragon Sound, AAC, LE Audio, Auracast
Wi-Fi Network: IEEE 8002.11 a/b/g/n/ac (2.4GHz/5GHz)
All new, ultra High-ResolutionStreaming Platform to deliver on sound quality and user experience
- ARCAM Class G Amplification with 2x 180W of ultra-low distortion power
- Balanced analogue and digital audio paths
- MM & MC Phono inputs
- HDMI eARC input
- Dual Subwoofer outputs and Dirac Live Room Correction
- High-resolution display for clealy visible album artwork and metadata
- Supports Apple Airplay, Google Cast, Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect
- Bluetooth with Snapdragon Sound and Auracast
- Setup with ARCAM Radia App for presets, Internet Radio and Podcasts
- Supports up to 32 bit / 384 kHz Hi-res audio
- Roon Ready (after launch)
Continuous power output (0.5% THD), per channel
2 channels driven, 20Hz—20kHz, 8Ω: 180W
2 channels driven, 1kHz, 4Ω: 300W
Harmonic distortion, 80% power, 8Ω at 1kHz: 0.002%
Analogue Inputs
Number of inputs: 3x RCA pairs + 1 XLR pair
Phono Inputs: MM and MC
Frequency response: 20Hz—20kHz ± 0.2dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 1V input): 106dB
Digital Inputs
Supported Streaming media: FLAC, WAV (LPCM), AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DSD (up to 256), MP3, MP4, OGG, WMA
Supported Streaming Bit depth: 16, 24, 32
Supported Streaming sample rates (kHz): Up to 384 kHz
Gapless Playback: Yes
Digital Audio Inputs: 1x HDMI eARC, 2x Coaxial (RCA), 2x Optical (Toslink)
Supported Digital input Bit depth: 16, 24
Supported Digital input sample rates (kHz): Up to 192 kHz
Frequency response (filter 1): 20Hz—20kHz ± 0.2dB
Signal/noise ratio (A-wtd, ref. 50W, 0dBFS): 110dB
Wireless Specifications
Bluetooth Profile 5.4; A2DP Sink/Source, AVRCP, BLE, Snapdragon Sound, AAC, LE Audio, Auracast
Wi-Fi Network: IEEE 8002.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax (2.4GHz/5GHz)